The 8th Habit
The 8th Habit
Stephen R. Covey
Organizations need to keep up with the constantly evolving and fast-paced world. After the Industrial Age, we have found ourselves in the Information/ Knowledge Worker Age. Many companies have not yet transitioned from one age to the next and still operate with a top-down policy in which the leaders decide everything. This obstructs the unleashing of talents of its workers as they have zero creative control. They should be motivated to find their voice. This is the 8th habit of highly effective people. Finding your true voice will pave the way to success. This can be achieved by letting your employees have some amount of control so they feel like a significant part of the company.
In addition to intelligence, we are given freedom of choice as a gift at birth. A blend of these two aspects is what aids in the quest for our true voice. We cannot control being thrown into situations that are undesirable but we can choose how to react to such curveballs. Incorporate this freedom of choice in every facet of your life.
Delving into the gift of intelligence, it is apparent that there are 4 types:
- Physical- our bodies’ ability to function voluntarily. Eg: our heartbeat
- Mental- our ability to analyze people and situations
- Emotional- our ability to empathize and relate to others
- Spiritual- our core morals and values and the drive to seek a higher purpose
All good leaders play 4 different roles:
The 4 types of intelligence can be applied to managing a company and need not be restricted to an individual. To become a well-oiled machine, all four of them and the role of a leader must go hand in hand.
Do not sit and wait for change to happen, get up, and make it! You don’t have to grit your teeth and bear things that you believe are out of your control. Stop playing the victim and take control of your life in your hands. All you need is some initiative and responsibility. Even if you work under someone else, you still have the power to bring about real change in your job. But if there are things you cannot control, you can still choose how you respond to such situations.
To be truly successful it isn’t enough to have the talent and drive alone. The kind of person you are becomes vital. By accepting your mistakes, always keeping your promises, and being charming help you in laying a foundation of trust:
Learn to listen to the other person when conflicts arise there is a difference between listening and empathetic listening. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try and look at things from their perspective. Conflicts can arise from something as simple as the words we use. Certain words have different meanings for different people. After listening to your colleague and saying your piece, you can try working putting forth a third option that will be agreeable to both. This could very well be the best possible solution with no one being left disappointed.
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