Tiger reserves
About Tiger Reserves
- Tiger reserves are areas that are notified for the protection of the tiger and its prey, and are governed by Project Tiger which was launched in the country in 1973.
- The State Government shall, on recommendation of the National Tiger Conservation Authority, notify an area as a tiger reserve
- There are a total of 58 Tiger Reserves in India.
- Core zone: Critical tiger habitat areas
- Buffer zone: It is Peripheral area to critical tiger habitat or core area
Why in News?
- Madhav National Park in Madhya Pradesh has been notified as India’s 58th tiger reserve.
Madhav National Park
- It is situated near Shivpuri town in Madhya Pradesh and is a part of the upper Vindhyan hills.
- The vegetation of the national park comprises dry deciduous and dry thorn forests.
- The forests are primarily made up of distinct species of flora such as Kardhai, Salai, Dhaora, khair, etc
- Fauna such as Nilgai, Chinkara, Tiger, Leopard, Wild Pig, Porcupine, Python etc are found here.
- The Manier and Sindh rivers flow through Madhav National Park.