What did the ILO report state about international migrants?
- The International Labour Organization (ILO) has released its fourth edition of ‘Global Estimates on International Migrant Workers’.
Highlights of the Report
- By addressing labour market shortages in host nations and contributing remittances to home countries, International Migrants (IM) continue to make contributions to world economic growth.
- In 2022, IMs made up 4.7% (167.7 million) of the global labour force, defined as both employed and unemployed (but available for work); over 30 million more than in 2013.
- An estimated 155.6 million were employed and 12.1 million unemployed.
- A higher proportion of IM males were employed — 61.3% out of a total of 102.7 million. Conversely, only 38.7% female IMs were employed out of a total of 64.9 million in 2022.
- One explanation for the smaller proportion of women in the global labour force is their lower representation in the total population of IMs.
Which economic sectors attract IMs?
- The largest proportion of IMs, 68.4%, were concentrated in the services sector, even higher than non-migrants.
- In industry, the proportion of IMs was 24.3% and that of non-migrants 24.2%. In agriculture, IMs accounted for 7.4%, whereas non-migrants were at a significantly higher share of 24.3%.
Which are the main host countries?
- High-income countries absorbed the largest number of IMs, accounting for 68.4% (114 million people), in key sectors such as services, especially in the provision of care.
- At about a quarter of this share, 17.4% (29.2 million), were distributed among upper-middle-income countries.