What is LaMDA?
- LaMDA is short for ‘Language Model for Dialogue Applications’, Google’s modern conversational agent enabled with a neural network capable of deep learning.
- Instead of images the algorithm is trained using 1.56 trillion words of public dialogue data and web text on diverse topics.
- The neural network built on Google’s open-source neural network, Transformer, extracted more than 137 billion parameters from this massive database of language data.
- The chatbot is not yet public, but users are permitted to interact with it.
- Google claims that LaMDA can make sense of nuanced conversation and engage in a fluid and natural conversation.
How intelligent are AI’s?
- The Turing test is a powerful motivator for developing practical AI tools. However, scholars, such as philosopher John Searle, use the ‘Chinese Room Argument’ to demonstrate that passing the Turing test is inadequate to qualify as intelligent.
- AI tech today aims to satisfy the Turing test to qualify as ‘intelligent’. Turing was the designer and builder of the world’s first computer, ENIGMA, which was used to break the German codes during the Second World War.
What is a neural network?
- A neural network is an AI tech that attempts to mimic the web of neurons in the brain to learn and behave like humans.
Why in News:
- Recently, an engineer associated with Google has claimed that an Artificially Intelligent (AI) chatbot he was working on had become sentient.