Explain how the Kamaraj plan can improve democratic values
In 1963 Kamaraj voluntarily left office under what came to be known as the Kamaraj Plan, which called for the voluntary resignations of high-level national and state officials in order to devote their efforts at the grassroots level following India’s disastrous border war with China.
How it will help
- The senior party leadership’s exposure to the grassroots is likely to give them an opportunity to establish a better connect with the people across regions and age groups.
- This exposure of the leaders will also mean greater accountability. They need to be prepared to face questions on various issues, including on the State capital, State finances etc
The need
- The basic systems of government and statecraft in a democracy are, essentially, the Cabinet, the government and its political leadership.
- Cabinets are meant to be colleagueships.
- Governments are there to govern. Leadership is about commanding implicit trust. The entanglement of figures in allegations of corruption has undermined trust.
- By working in grassroots, they can revitalize the people’s trust on democracy and take quick actions to the need of the people
- It will also bring younger generation into the fray.
Simultaneously those re-deployed for party work will need to become the alert eyes and ears of the public, pro-active spokespersons within the party for the people they represent. This is where such an initiative will be an advance over the Kamaraj Plan. Popular outrage over mis-governance and corruption can, if addressed as it should be, lead to a moral dividend for India’s systemic benefit.
How to structure:
- Give an intro Kamaraj plan
- Explain the features
- Explain how it improves democratic values
- Mention challenges
- Conclude
- https://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/back-to-the-kamaraj-plan-in-andhra-pradesh/article37813347.ece