U.K. names David Attenborough COP26 People’s Advocate
About COP26
- The UK along with Italy is about to conduct the Conference of Parties (CoP) 26th meeting of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) at Glasgow.
- The COP is the apex decision-making body of the UNFCCC.
- The UNFCCC was formed in 1994 to stabilize the greenhouse gas emissions and to protect the earth from the threat of climate change.
- COP members have been meeting every year since the year 1995. As of 2019, the number of member countries in the UNFCCC has reached 197.
- In 2020, COP26 which was about to happen in Nov 2020, was postponed to Nov 2021 due to pandemic.
About David Attenborough
- Sir David Frederick Attenborough is an English broadcaster and natural historian. He is a 95 years old environmental activist.
- While Attenborough’s earlier work focused more on the wonders of the natural world, his later work has been more vocal in support of environmental causes.
- He has advocated for restoring planetary biodiversity, limiting human population growth, shifting to renewable energy, reducing meat consumption, and setting aside more areas for natural preservation
Why in the news?
- The UK has selected David Attenborough as People’s Advocate to represent in COP26.
- He will be addressing world leaders at major international events, including the G7 Summit in Cornwall in June 2021. He will address world leaders and the public at the COP 26 Glasgow Summit
- He will have green recovery from the pandemic as his agenda, which creates sustainable jobs and addresses the urgent and linked challenges of public health, climate change, and biodiversity loss.
- https://www.downtoearth.org.in/climate-change/coplist
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Attenborough\
- https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/david-attenborough-named-cop26-peoples-advocate-ahead-key-climate-summit-2021-05-09/
- https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/uk-names-david-attenborough-cop26-peoples-advocate/article34527205.ece