Carbon emissions are more than countries are reporting: study
What are carbon emissions?
- Carbon emission is the release of carbon into the atmosphere. To talk about carbon emissions is simply to talk of greenhouse gas emissions; the main contributors to climate change.
- Since greenhouse gas emissions are often calculated as carbon dioxide equivalents, they are often referred to as “carbon emissions” when discussing global warming or the greenhouse effect.
- Since the industrial revolution the burning of fossil fuels has increased, which directly correlates to the increase of carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere and thus the rapid increase of global warming.
Carbon Emissions by country
- China and the US are the two largest carbon emitters in 2019.
- India is the 3rd largest carbon emitter which in 2019 emitted 2.62 billion tonnes of carbon.
Why in the news?
- Scientists have detected a large gap of about 5.5 billion tonnes of carbon between the amount of climate-warming emissions that countries report and the amount that independent models say reaches the atmosphere.
- It was due to differences in adopting models to assess the emissions by governments and other independent agencies.
- One of the important factors in which the differences are arising is the amount of carbon absorption the managed forest areas are absorbing. The risk is that some countries could claim managed forests are absorbing large amounts of emissions and not do enough to cut emissions from cars, homes and factories.
- For instance, the country models done by the United States and other nations show more carbon-absorbing managed forest land than the independent models indicate.
- This discrepancy could become a larger issue as countries under Paris climate agreement are under obligation to submit reports regarding emission cuts according to their respective nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
- Looking into it, the research asks the countries to upgrade their targets adjusting to proper emission assessment models.