A concerted attack on RTI
- This year marks 15 years of the enactment of the Right to Information (RTI) law, which has empowered millions to assert their citizenship and show truth to power.
About RTI ActRight to Information act, 2005:
RTI amendment act 2019:
Significance of RTI
- The right to information has been upheld by the Supreme Court as a fundamental right flowing from Article 19 of the Constitution, which guarantees every citizen the right to free speech and expression.
- Without access to relevant information, people’s ability to formulate opinions and express themselves meaningfully is curtailed.
- Since its enactment, the RTI law has been used by people to seek information to actively participate in decision-making processes and hold governments accountable.
The potential of the law
- Every year nearly six million applications are filed under the RTI Act, making it the most extensively used transparency legislation in the world.
- National assessments have shown that a large proportion of these are filed by the poorest and the most marginalised who have understood the tremendous potential of the law to empower them to access their basic rights and entitlements.
- During the COVID-19 crisis too, the law has been widely used to seek information about availability of medical facilities, like ventilators and ICU beds, and to hold government departments accountable for delivery of foodgrains and social security benefits meant for those in distress, including migrant workers.
- The RTI Act has also been put to effective use by public-spirited citizens to shine the light on corruption and arbitrary abuse of power by the state.
- By giving every citizen of India the right to access government files and records, the law has potentially created 1.3 billion whistleblowers and auditors.
Attack on the transparency watchdogs
- The worst blow to the RTI regime has come in the form of a persistent and concerted attack on the transparency watchdogs set up under the law.
- Information Commissions at the Centre and in the States are the final adjudicators empowered to act against violations of the legislation.
- RTI (Amendment) Act 2019 allows the Central government to determine the tenure and salaries of all Information Commissioners, signalling that directions to disclose inconvenient information could invite adverse consequences.
- The functioning of commissions has been severely impeded by governments not appointing Information Commissioners in a timely manner.
- Vacancies in Information Commissions lead to large backlogs of appeals/complaints and long delays in the disposal of cases, effectively frustrating the people’s right to know.
- The right to question being the hallmark of a democracy, any attack on the RTI law, which has empowered citizens to question those in power, is an attack on the foundation of our democratic republic.
- As the RTI law completes 15 years, it is again time for those whom it empowers, the citizens to assert themselves and protect their fundamental right to information, which they attained after a long struggle.